Few scholars work on the history of hops, but it is perhaps the most recognizable beer ingredient from a general populous perspective. Hops are almost exclusively used for beer production where other brewing ingredients demonstrate greater versatility. As a result, this panel will explore how the history of that one ingredient (hops) has single-handedly molded and evolved beer and the art of brewing in the West World. 


Dr. William Bauer, Professor, Department of History, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Frank Clark, Master of Historic Foodways at Colonial Williamsburg. Williamsburg, VA
Martyn Cornell, Beer historian, educator, consultant, author, and journalist. London, England
Stan Hieronymus, Beer historian and author. Atlanta, GA
Travis Rupp, Innovation & Wood Cellar Manager and Beer Archaeologist, Avery Brewing Company. Boulder, CO.  Professor of Classics, Art History, Anthropology. University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Mitch Steele, Brewmaster, COO and Co-Founder, New Realm Brewing Company. Atlanta, GA

Got the Beer Culture Summit Beer Box? This event pairs nicely with Avery’s Night Warden, Brooklyn’s Stonewall Inn IPA, Seipp’s Extra Pale, Sketchbook’s Nova Reperta, and Temperance Brewing’s All The World Is Here.