The magical elixir known as Malört is proudly crafted in Chicago by CH Distillery. Join us for a tour of the facility with distiller Yo Yarborough to take a look into how Malort came to be, how it's made and processed, and why it's so damn good.

Yo Yarborough has spent the better part of the last five years honing their craft as a distiller at CH Distillery in Chicago. What began as an interest in the science behind distillation and a curiosity for infusing different flavor profiles, has evolved into a true passion for producing premium distilled spirits. In their tenure at CH, they’ve had an integral role in mastering the art of making Malört, Chicago’s most notorious libation. When they’re not filling bottles of liquid gold, you can find Yo cycling, camping or most likely hanging out with their dog, Brody Artemis.
